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Tips for Dealing with Window Condensation

by | Nov 25, 2015 | Uncategorized

Window condensation is an unfortunate reality for many homeowners. Excessive window condensation is more than just a nuisance, though—it can actually indicate a need for replacement windows in Houston . Window condensation can also be a sign of excessive humidity or poor ventilation. To find out what you can do to deal with window condensation on your residential glass or see if you need window replacement, read the following article.

A man is repairing a window with a tool.

Improve the Ventilation inside Your Home

It is generally recommended to keep your home’s indoor humidity level between 30 and 50 percent. But in colder weather, it’s better to keep the relative humidity closer to 30 to 40 percent to reduce the risk of condensation in the walls and ceilings. If the humidity in your house exceeds these levels, call your HVAC company. They can send a technician to evaluate your HVAC system and tune it to improve ventilation, which keeps indoor humidity at the recommended levels.

Check the Heat Recovery Ventilator

The HVAC technician can also check your heat recovery ventilator (HRV), if you have one. If this device recirculates too often—meaning that it draws outside air less frequently—it can lead to an increase in the moisture level of your home. Decreasing the amount of time the HRV recirculates and increasing the time that it draws outside air can reduce residential glass condensation.

Add Window Insulation

Installing weatherstripping onto your residential windows can improve the insulation of your home, which makes it more comfortable and helps you save energy. If you have tried this and several other methods of reducing indoor humidity without any success, the windows are most likely to blame. Replacing them with windows that are better insulated can reduce or eliminate window condensation.

Install Multiple-Pane Windows

The more panes your windows have, the more insulation they provide. And the more insulation your windows provide, the less likely you are to experience window condensation. For example, single-pane windows tend to collect condensation when the relative humidity is at roughly 15 percent. Double-pane windows collect condensation at 25 to 40 percent relative humidity, and triple-pane windows at 30 to 50 percent.