If you are looking for a strong storefront glass installation near Houston, then ask your glass repair company about tempered glass. Tempered glass is a type of glass that has undergone a thermal or chemical process. Often found in commercial glass services , tempered glass offers many benefits to both commercial and residential consumers. Whether you need a storefront glass installation or a home window repair, you will always benefit with tempered glass.
Greater Safety
The biggest advantage to installing tempered glass is the safety factor it offers. Tempered glass has been treated in such a way that if it is broken, the glass pieces will break up into small chunks instead of large and sharp pieces. These small pieces are less likely to cut or cause injuries, which is why tempered glass is often found in commercial glass installations and vehicle windows. Even though broken tempered glass may be safer to handle, you should always entrust a professional or wear protective gloves when handling broken glass.
Greater Resistance
Since tempered glass has been strengthened with chemical or thermal processes, it has greater resistance to impact. Often used as a storefront glass installation, tempered glass is strong against potential vandalism, adverse weather conditions, and flying debris. Many commercial buildings, typically skyscrapers, will install tempered glass in their windows to resist high winds and hurricane conditions. Even residential consumers may install tempered glass in their house windows to protect their home against strong weather or potential invaders.
Greater Efficiency
The process by which tempered glass is created does not affect the transparency or look of the glass in any way. You can see clearly through it, or you can have it designed, stained, or patterned however you choose. On top of these various options, tempered glass can resist high temperatures—as high as 300°F. With greater heat-resistance, your office or home is less likely to experience high temperatures. This means you will use your air conditioner less, thus creating a more energy-efficient space for everyone to enjoy.